ways you can donate and help OUR Synagogue
ways you can donate:
Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas has created an endowment fund to provide financial resources for the future. Proceeds from the fund support special events or extraordinary expenses.
To give a gift or make a bequest to the Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas Fund for the Future, contact the Jewish Community Foundation of Central New York. Donations are accepted online as well as by telephone, fax, or mail.
& Tributes
A tribute is a donation to CBS-CS designated to honor someone celebrating a special occasion, to remember a deceased friend or relative, to wish someone a speedy recovery, or for any other personal reason you choose. A tribute card will be sent promptly to the person you specify and listed in the next issue of our newsletter, The Sholom.
Donations may be directed to a specific fund of your choice. Funds are listed below.
A general donation is designated for members and non-members to show support for the programs offered by Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas.
Donations or tributes of $18 or more may be directed to one of the following funds.
Synagogue General Fund: Support programming and operation of the synagogue.
Arnold and Mimi Weiner Yiddish Culture Fund: Further the continued interest in and knowledge of the culture of Eastern European Jews through music, film, literature, speakers, and other programs.
Beautification Fund: Purchase furnishings, interior design objects, and services which enhance the interior and exterior beauty of the synagogue.
Beverly and Louis Glazier P.J. Library Fund: Support the P.J. Library project which provides age-appropriate Jewish themed books to children six-months to five years of age.
Bregman Memorial Garden Fund: Maintenance of the memorial garden.
Capital Improvements Fund: Purchase major equipment, materials, or services needed to maintain or enhance the synagogue buildings.
Chesed Fund: Help pay for meals for shiva or those who are ill.
Conservative Yeshiva Summer Scholarship Fund: Help underwrite the cost of an involved CBS-CS adult member to attend the Conservative Yeshiva’s three–week summer study program in Jerusalem.
Dr. Gustave and Alice Pearlman Youth Fund: Encouragement of the study and love of Torah by granting awards to high school seniors who have participated in Jewish activities, such as leading services, reading Torah, and volunteering in the Jewish community.
Kalina Memorial Scholar-in-Residence Fund: Support for the annual scholar-in-residence program.
Kiddush Sponsorship Fund: Partially underwrite the cost of a regular Shabbat Kiddush for $36 or more in honor or memory of someone. The Fund is used to help those unable to afford the full cost of a Bar or Bat Mitzvah Kiddush.
Library Fund: Purchase books, videos, and other media for use by congregants, as well as equipment and supplies necessary to maintain the library.
Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund: Funds for the rabbi to use at his discretion, e.g. to help people in need, or for programming that would not otherwise be possible.
Rabbi Jezer Lectureship Endowment Fund: Funds held by the Jewish Community Foundation as an endowment with proceeds used to support CBS-CS educational programming.
Rabbi Andrew Pepperstone Interfaith Activities Fund: To provide financial support for interfaith activities and learning opportunities that bring together members of CBS-CS and members of other faith traditions.
Rabbi Rachel Ain Leadership Development Fund: Support lay and professional development to further the congregation’s understanding of how to be an excellent synagogue in the 21st century.
Ritual Fund: Purchase prayer books, bibles, and other ritual items needed by the synagogue that are not provided for in the general operating budget.
Roberta Wladis Youth Activity Fund: Subsidies to encourage participation in Jewish youth activities such as USY and Kadima conventions and USY encampment.
Youth Fund: Subsidies and scholarships for our youth to participate in Jewish education or activities, as well as services and equipment for youth education or activities not included in the general budget.