Ritual Life at CBS-CS
CBS-CS encourages the active participation of congregants of all ages in all aspects of services, including frequent interactive Torah study.
Jewish Festivals
Jewish festival celebrations are geared to all ages, from introspective events for Tisha B'Av and SELICHOT, the beginning of the High Holiday season, to the musical celebration of Simchat Torah.
There are multi-generational celebrations for Sukkot, Simchat Torah, Chanukah, Tu B'Shevat, Purim and Shavuot.
During the High Holidays, we have open seating; no tickets or congregational membership is required to attend.
Shirat Shabbat
On a Friday evening once per month, a SHIRAT Shabbat service offers participants a musically enhanced Friday evening experience with beautiful NIGUNIM, chanting, and subtle acoustic guitar and percussion.
Shabbat Dinners
Monthly Shabbat dinners, sometimes potluck and sometimes catered, foster a sense of community.
Shabbat Spot
CBS-CS also has a monthly Shabbat Spot on Shabbat morning, where we pause during services for a break for a light breakfast and different sessions, including Torah study, song and chant, yoga, activities for children and teens, and more.
Following services, there is a light kiddush lunch when congregants stay longer to schmooze, and participate in Lunch and Learn programs.
Once per month, people gather monthly before Shabbat morning services for a morning meditation.
Home MINYANIM, as well as meals, are arranged for families sitting SHIVA after the death of a loved one.